Subject: Re: HPCBoot "Can't Boot Kernel Image"
To: None <>
From: Gregory Nowak <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 10/19/2004 20:41:34
Hash: SHA1

On Tue, Oct 19, 2004 at 09:07:57PM -0400, Matthew Orgass wrote:
> On 2004-10-19 wrote:
> > Here is the source of my short program:
> [...]
> > *pref.dir_user_path=L"\\Storage Card\\";
> [...]
> > *pref.kernel_user_file=L"freesoft.gz"; /*Sorry, just couldn't resist.*/
>   Is this type of assignment supposed to work in C++?  It has been a while
> since I used it :).

As far as I can remember, yes, the above is syntacticly correct in
C++. Besides, it appears the same way in the hpcboot source.

> > Can anyone help me out here?  I've tried variations of pathnames and
> > filenames in both unicode and plain ASCII (char vs wchar_t) to no avail.
> > We're obviously getting *somewhere* since the bootloader is trying to boot
> > *something*.
>   They are wide characters.  My shows, for instance,
> "n\0e\0t\0b\0s\0d\0\0".  If the data is written to the file correctly,
> check that your storage card is really named "Storage Card" and the file
> is really named "freesoft.gz" (and hasn't had an invisible extension added
> somehow along the way).  If it still doesn't work, perhaps this system has
> a funky idea of where the root directory is?

Here's one more thing I've thought of since my previous reply to this
on the notelinux-devel list. Sabahattin, if I recall, you have a
braillenote with the second edition motherboard. If so, then keep in
mind that the newer boards have 2 cf slots, instead of just one pcmcia
slot, like on the original classic boards. Since I don't have a unit
with the newer board here, I can't check this out, but it maybe that
the cf card may be seen as storage card, and storage card2 depending
on which slot it is in. Have you tried both slots? I'm assuming of
course that you have a pcmcia to cf adapter for trying the card in the
second slot.

I haven't gotten around to reinstalling the IDE on my windows box yet,
so if you could send me a compiled binary of the config file
generation program, or if you could just send me the config file
itself to use with hpcboot, I'll try it out on the classic board with
the one and only pcmcia slot, and let you know if that makes a


> Matthew Orgass
> !DSPAM:4175b9cf93041820450867!

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