Subject: Re: Supported 802.11b CF and sysinst question
To: None <>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 04/08/2004 09:42:25
On 07.04.04, 22:20:35, wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to NetBSD on the z50, but I've read quite a few of the posts here.  Very helpful stuff.  I have a couple questions as I'm having some trouble getting 1.6.2 installed.
> I have a 5G Toshiba pcmcia drive and I would like to install from a DOS partition.  I have the disk partitioned but I cannot get beyond the HPCboot program.  I have read I need to use sysinst but I cannot find this in any of the compressed files.  So I figured the install kernel must be on the boot disks.  I made the boot disks from i386 using rawrite, but I cannot read them from a DOS/Windows box.  Any insight would be appreciated.

Umm, which boot disks? There aren't any for hpcmips.

Just have hpcboot boot one of the installation kernels, they contain
sysinst on their embedded disk image and will start it automatically.
Sysinst can then install directly from a DOS partition.

I'm not sure if hpcboot can load gzip'd kernels, but otherwise
hpcmips/installation/netbsd.gz is the right one (if it fails, gunzip
it first). It's like boot floppies for i386, i. e. it's a kernal
that contains a miniroot with sysinst and some other vital tools
(ifconfig, dhclient, route, ls, and a few more.

> Thanks,
> Tom

Bernd Sieker

NetBSD: Not your mother's OS (unless you are P. Seebach)
		-- Tom Harvey