Subject: Re:
To: M. Warner Losh <>
From: Rasputin <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 11/20/2002 11:40:32
* M. Warner Losh <> [1111 17:11]:
>             Rasputin <> writes:
> : I've noticed 340Mb Microdrives are pretty cheap on eBay
> : at the moment - just wondered if anyone has had experience of
> : using one with a MobilePro 800?
> : (The other slot runs a pcmcia wi(4) Lucent Orinoco.

> 340 drives are a waste.  Get the 1G version.  They aren't that much
> more and will mostly solve the space problems that you have.  However,
> you need at least 2G to be able do a buildworld.

That's why I considered the 340Mb - a 1Gb will cost me the wrong end of
200 UKP and *still* be too small, whereas 340Mbs go for 50 UKP on eBay,
which is much more within budget. 

Compare that to 75 UKP for a 256Mb CF card, and it seems like
the most CF-format storage you can get for around 50 notes is an IBM.

That's pretty much my budget - I can't justify 200 for 1Gb to myself, never
mind my girl :)

*Assuming* it'll physically work - don't they take more power to spin up?

> : I guess the alternative is using a PCMCIA HDD and getting a CF 802.11
> : card, but PCMCIA disks aren't much cheaper than microdrives.....
> I'm seriously contemplating this option, since Toshiba's 5G drive
> looks very interesting (despite its cost).  However, until the 3.3V
> patches go into the tree, you'll have problems with most CF cards as
> they are 3.3V.

RIght, thanks. I'll stick with the Lucent for now then.
Best price for a 2Gb PCMCIA I could find was 140 or so anyway
(UKP, not $, before anyone gets too excited!).
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns