Subject: Re: 802.11 support?
To: Sean Callanan <>
From: Rasputin <>
List: port-hpcmips
Date: 03/28/2002 11:28:46
* Sean Callanan <> [020327 13:29]:
> >
> >I just need to beef it up before putting NetBSD on it - CF card for
> >storage (is 512Mb enough for a compiler and system sources, or
> >is that pushing it? Do people make 1Gb CF cards?) and a PCMCIA
> >802.11 card, and it'll be perfect.
> There's the MicroDrive... although I believe there are some issues with the 
> CompactFlash slot not powering it properly?
> I believe the 300-and-change MB MicroDrive consumes too much power for the 
> MobilePro, but the 1GB does not...
> Check with the ML about that though.
> I have X, compilers, emcws (Emacs with Japanese input) and everything 
> working on a 1GB MicroDrive which set me back $350 - you may be able to get 
> them cheaper nowadays.

What model drive did you get? Trouble is a lot of them don't
list their operating voltage, and I noticed the 'not enough juice'
gotcha in the User Guide for the MP 800.

I was thinking of CF because of the lower running voltage (I'd
heard battery life wasn't so great on MP 800s as, say, IBM z50s),
but would really like to avoid
'oh, it doesn't boot and I sold a kidney to buy it'.

Sorry if I'm being an old woman, but seeing an entry in the manual
that suggested plugging into the mains before inserting CF / PCMCIA
cards was a bit of a worry....


"I am not now, and never have been, a girlfriend of Henry Kissinger."
		-- Gloria Steinem
Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns ::