Subject: My assumptions about MP700 and CF, etc.
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List: port-hpcmips
Date: 03/30/2000 20:25:05
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    Thanks for the tips. I am starting  to see how much I assume and how much I have
to learn. After looking at 0315/INSTALL.html, I have a few assumptions to air and a
few questions to ask.

Jun Ebihara wrote:

> From:
> Subject: Mobile Pro 700 blues
> Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000 10:00:34 -0500
> >     Takao Shinohara was kind enough to suggest that I select
> > MobileGearII MC-R300 as a framebuffer type, adjusting as follows
> Please Select MobileGear CS-12 or CS-13.
> MC-CS12 has Vr4102 CPU.
> MC-R300 has Vr4111 CPU.
> and MobilePro700 has Vr4102 chip.
> If you run with Vr4111 configration,system will stack.

I see a MobileGear CS1X option (which must, I assume, take care of both

> frame buffer setting is may be true with this setting.
> >     Width 640    Height 240
> >     Type D2_M2L_0 (BTW, what does this code mean?)
> from

Thanks, I'll look more closely at howto-develop later on.

> Dxx_yyyy and M2L_y
>               xx means frame buffer depth
>               y means the pixel value of the forground color in
> hexadecimal 'M2L means most significant bit to least significant bit. The
> MSB is left pixel and LSB is right pixel if a byte represents two or
> more pixels.
>        'L2M means reverse order. The 'x2' option provides virtual
> double width screen. For example, Palm Size PC, Freestype, which has
> LCD of 320x240, pretend to has LCD of 640x480. It had been hack for
> debugging until serial port got available. Please don't mind about
> it.
> >     Address A000000
> >     Bytes/line 256
> >     ID 04104100    00000000
> > After putting the kernel and pbsdboot on the CF root, I get the kernel
> > to load (I think), but then the system hangs.
> system running with Vr4111 configration.I think.

Any particular boot options I should specify with pbsdboot, assuming that I am not
going to use the serial console option?

> > files larger than 4MB can't be synchronized. I can't put it in CE memory
> > either! I've got WINCE 2.2.

The message I get when I attempt to place the 6.1MB Netbsd into memory is that
access is denied. I got the netbsd to the HPC only by doing a direct file xfer
(rather than synchronization) from a Windows98 PC. Since pbsdboot.exe seems tostart
up ok, I assume this method of putting the sysinst-netbsd in the HPC does not
corrupt the files.

> from
> NetBSD/hpcmips kernel with system installer costs almost 6MB memory
> area. Please allocate Windows CE memory to load sysinst-netbsd
>      kernel. If you failed pbsdboot.exe with "cannot allocate heap"
> error, allocate more memory and less disk from Windows CE
>      [Setting]->[ControlPanel]->[System]->[Memory].

I don't get the "can't allocate heap" msg: I get the top part of the screen messed
up and then the HPC hangs. Using the slider to change memory allocation (in the
attempt to get sysinst-netbsd into CE memory - versus CF) has not made a difference
in being able to place systinst-netbsd in CE memory (as suggested, I think, by
someone else).

My major assumption has been that I can simply move netbsd and pbsdboot from the PC
desktop to an (as shipped) Sandisk 96MB CF, execute pbdboot and have it be able to
at least partially process the sysinst-netbsd. From a quick scan of the
INSTALL.html, I wonder if I need to build a development enviroment first and then
format the CF so it's readable by the CE. But ... if I can place the files on the CF
and execute the initial part of pbsdboot, doesn't this mean that the CF is already
in a format that is CE readable? Undoubtedly, I need to have more background.

Thanks in advance for your patience.

Roy Wilson

> > building for now, since it requires me to do other things to set up the
> > development environment, but am willing to do so if needed.
> Have you another PC with terminal soft?
> On pbsdboot,check & set these paramater:
>               Options: h
>               Serialport on
>               Connect your terminal with 9600bps, 8bit, non-parity,
> VT100 mode
> --
> jun ebihara

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<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Thanks for the tips. I am starting&nbsp; to see
how much I assume and how much I have to learn. After looking at 0315/INSTALL.html,
I have a few assumptions to air and a few questions to ask.
<p>Jun Ebihara wrote:
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>From:
<br>Subject: Mobile Pro 700 blues
<br>Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000 10:00:34 -0500
<p>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Takao Shinohara was kind enough to suggest
that I select
<br>> MobileGearII MC-R300 as a framebuffer type, adjusting as follows
<p>Please Select MobileGear CS-12 or CS-13.
<br>MC-CS12 has Vr4102 CPU.
<br>MC-R300 has Vr4111 CPU.
<br>and MobilePro700 has Vr4102 chip.
<br>If you run with Vr4111 configration,system will stack.</blockquote>

<p><br>I see a MobileGear CS1X option (which must, I assume, take care
of both possibiltiies).
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>frame buffer setting is may be true with this setting.
<br>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Width 640&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Height 240
<br>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Type D2_M2L_0 (BTW, what does this code mean?)
<p>from <a href=""></a></blockquote>
Thanks, I'll look more closely at howto-develop later on.
<blockquote TYPE=CITE><a href=""></a>&nbsp;
<p>Dxx_yyyy and M2L_y
xx means frame buffer depth
y means the pixel value of the forground color in
<br>hexadecimal 'M2L means most significant bit to least significant bit.
<br>MSB is left pixel and LSB is right pixel if a byte represents two or
<br>more pixels.
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 'L2M means reverse order. The
'x2' option provides virtual
<br>double width screen. For example, Palm Size PC, Freestype, which has
<br>LCD of 320x240, pretend to has LCD of 640x480. It had been hack for
<br>debugging until serial port got available. Please don't mind about
<p>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Address A000000
<br>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Bytes/line 256
<br>>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ID 04104100&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 00000000
<p>> After putting the kernel and pbsdboot on the CF root, I get the kernel
<br>> to load (I think), but then the system hangs.
<p>system running with Vr4111 configration.I think.</blockquote>

<p><br>Any particular boot options I should specify with pbsdboot, assuming
that I am not going to use the serial console option?
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;
<p>> files larger than 4MB can't be synchronized. I can't put it in CE
<br>> either! I've got WINCE 2.2.</blockquote>

<p><br>The message I get when I attempt to place the 6.1MB Netbsd into
memory is that access is denied. I got the netbsd to the HPC only by doing
a direct file xfer (rather than synchronization) from a Windows98 PC. Since
pbsdboot.exe seems tostart up ok, I assume this method of putting the sysinst-netbsd
in the HPC does not corrupt the files.
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>from <a href=""></a>
<br>NetBSD/hpcmips kernel with system installer costs almost 6MB memory
<br>area. Please allocate Windows CE memory to load sysinst-netbsd
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; kernel. If you failed pbsdboot.exe with "cannot
allocate heap"
<br>error, allocate more memory and less disk from Windows CE
<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; [Setting]->[ControlPanel]->[System]->[Memory].</blockquote>

<p><br>I don't get the "can't allocate heap" msg: I get the top part of
the screen messed up and then the HPC hangs. Using the slider to change
memory allocation (in the attempt to get sysinst-netbsd into CE memory
- versus CF) has not made a difference in being able to place systinst-netbsd
in CE memory (as suggested, I think, by someone else).
<p>My major assumption has been that I can simply move netbsd and pbsdboot
from the PC desktop to an (as shipped) Sandisk 96MB CF, execute pbdboot
and have it be able to at least partially process the sysinst-netbsd. From
a quick scan of the INSTALL.html, I wonder if I need to build a development
enviroment first and then format the CF so it's readable by the CE. But
... if I can place the files on the CF and execute the initial part of
pbsdboot, doesn't this mean that the CF is already in a format that is
CE readable? Undoubtedly, I need to have more background.
<p>Thanks in advance for your patience.
<p>Roy Wilson
<blockquote TYPE=CITE>&nbsp;
<p>> building for now, since it requires me to do other things to set up
<br>> development environment, but am willing to do so if needed.
<p>Have you another PC with terminal soft?
<br><a href=""></a>
<br>On pbsdboot,check &amp; set these paramater:
Options: h
Serialport on
Connect your terminal with 9600bps, 8bit, non-parity,
<br>VT100 mode
<br>jun ebihara</blockquote>
