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Where to buy

Hi all,


I’m looking for one of these devices (or some Jornada 6x0/7x0 – but these can be find on ebay).Can you recommend me some pages or give me a contact where to buy (for low price of course J )?


It’s hard to find there (cz),because our country was not target destination for these devices due to known problems with government ( now it’s not better :-D ) and if it’s there - prices are terrible (used Jornada 728 for 410 USD !!! and so on….).


I’m interested in :


HP Jornada 7x0/6x0

NEC MobileGearII R300/320,R430/450,R5x0,Sigmarion I and II,R7x0

Compaq 2010c,810c



In short HanheldPC with keyboard supported good from NetBSD


Thanks a lot



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