Subject: netboot.lif missing + netinstall experiance
To: None <>
From: Rudi Ludwig <>
List: port-hp700
Date: 04/23/2007 19:08:11
Hello all,

I was doing a diskless installation for my 712/60 from
Unfortunately I got stuck after unpacking and arranging
everything at the server because there is no kernel wrapped
in a lif file to serve via tftp.

I tried to make one from my running hppa 3.99.8 but
the result of a

/usr/mdec/mkboot <<path to netbsd-generic e.g. from kern.tgz>> \ netboot.lif

though it did produce a lif-file,the hp712 just ignored it. Either
I am missing something in the above command or it cannot work
because of some change that happend between Netbsd 4 and 5.

Anyway having this "netboot.lif" as part of the build process
would be nice; e.g. having it in the installation folder.
Because without a running machine of the same architecture, how
could you create it?

Giving netinstall.lif a try:

- on the upside it works i.e. boots.

- unfortunately the installer uses ESC-sequences (as it seams) to
do some formating at the prompt, that the console cannot handle.
The result is hardly readable.

- the other downside is that on this slower/older 60MHz version
of the HP712 that I happen to have the keyboard just does not work.
That is, it workes of course at the prom console but when the kernel
presents the console the thing is dead.
Therefor also the need to configure everything on the nfs-server
such that the client boots completely and I can login via ssh.

So if anyone could either
- provide / sent me the missing netboot.lif or give
- working instrucions how I can create it with what I have

would be realy nice.

