Subject: Re: A180C
To: Jochen Kunz <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: port-hp700
Date: 07/01/2004 10:11:05
On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 12:00:24 +0200, Jochen Kunz
<> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 24, 2004 at 03:40:59PM -0700, Andy Ruhl wrote:
> > I got the web console working, but still no luck with the serial
> > console. I'll try it again later. I'm not sure I have a good cable. I
> > see the settings should be 9600 8N1, anything else special?
> Nothing special. 9600 8n1 and a cross over cable. Most likely a simple
> cabe with pin 5 to 5, pin 3 to 2 and pin 2 to 3 will do it.
Ok, just to ensure I wasn't crazy I used the same serial cable at home
to talk to a NetBSD/i386 machine from a FreeBSD machine and it worked.
I cannot get a NetBSD/sparc64 machine (at work) using minicom to talk
to this A180C for some reason. I suspect the serial port on the
sparc64 machine (Ultra5) is wacky or something.
So I went back to Windows (ugh) and Hyperterminal. I (finally) was
able to interact with the boot sequence and stop it.
Now, part of the reason why I am working on this machine is to make it
actually work with HP-UX (funny how that works), so I tried to boot it
into single user mode (via some HP instructions) and it booted, but I
could not type anything once the # prompt came. I assume some terminal
setting problem, but strange that the bios (or firmware) worked fine,
just not the HP os in single user mode?
Anyway, working on cross building a current kernel on the
NetBSD/sparc64 machine for hp700 (there's a combination for you) and
then booting it off the net from the NetBSD/sparc64 machine.
If anyone knows why my serial console on Hyperterminal works with the
boot sequence (firmware) but not the HP-UX os in single user mode,
that would be great.