Subject: Re: Trouble booting
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 06/23/2005 10:38:47
On Jun 22, 2005, at 11:13 AM, der Mouse wrote:

> I don't know.  The front panel just has a little plate with the
> Hewlett-Packard logo and name, then the number 300 set fairly large,
> and in much smaller type just above it (and flush right), the number
> 9000.  I take it this makes it an HP9000/300 series machine, but I
> don't know how to get anything more precise than that.

Pull the main board out of the machine.  Look for a 68851 MMU chip.   
If you don't find one, then you almost certainly have a 320, which  
has an HP MMU[*].  I suppose it could also be a 350...

     320 == 16MHz 68020 + HP MMU + 16K external cache (VAC)
     330 == 16MHz 68020 + 68851 MMU (319 is the same, except no  
expansion capability)
     350 == 25MHz 68020 + HP MMU + 32K external cache (VAC)

[*] Motorola was late with the 68851, so HP developed their own MMU  
that is mostly compatible.  This MMU was used in the 320 and the  
350.  Differences relative to 68851: (a) the HP MMU only supports 2- 
level tables, (b) the HP MMU supports a split user/kernel virtually- 
addressed cache architecture.

-- thorpej