Subject: Re: Sorry second question about routing tables...
To: Robert Jung <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-hp300
Date: 07/08/2001 18:52:02
> Everything seems to work fine, but if I want to ping some host
> through a gateway, it needs between 1 and 3 minutes until it
> respones.  [...]

> Another curios thing is, that if I use the command "route show" it
> also needs between 1 and 5 minutes until the default gateway is
> shown....

> Why is this, how can I solve this problem?

My guess is, you're not using -n, and name resolution is being slow for
some reason.

Try ping -n, or route -n show, and see if that helps.  If so, it's
(almost certainly) name resolution that's the issue.

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