Subject: dcm question
To: None <>
From: Jarkko Teppo <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 04/19/1999 12:50:57
Hello all!
I was wondering if anybody else is using dcm-serial cards with netbsd-1.3.x.
I have the four port model but I'm (still) having problems with the card.
With the precompiled (distribution) GENERIC kernel the card works OK, except
for the unbelievable amount of diagnostic messages but when I try to compile
my own kernel:
cd /usr/src/sys/arch/hp300/config;
configure GENERIC; cd ../compile/GENERIC; make depend && make
cp /netbsd /netbsd.whatever; cp netbsd /netbsd
it crashes on the very first interrupt (or so it seems).  For details see
my previous post "dcm+kernel problems" around 19990224.

So: has anybody else been succesfull with using the card with anything else
than the precompiled dist. GENERIC ? And what *is* different on the
precomp.dist. GENERIC and the one I compiled my self ? This is all on 1.3.2
(too scared to upgrade to 1.3.3 and still waiting for 1.3.4)

Any help appreciated!

<wild, wild, guess>
vm thing ?
</wild, wild, guess>
Jarkko Teppo