Subject: Re: Help to make a boot tape to HP375
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Georg Magschok <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 05/21/1998 11:07:31

> We tried using another HP workstation running HP-UX 8.x , but 
>        conv=osync
> doesn't work at HP-UX.

Take the SCSI-drive of your NetBSD-box and connect it to the HP-UX box. Do a cp 
SYS_INST onto the raw device (/dev/rdsk/...), try experimenting with the LIF 
tools of HP-UX (man -k lif, especially lifinit and lifcp).

Using the cp-way I once installed NetBSD on a 400t using a 720 that was running 
HP-UUX 10.10 to copy SYS_INST to the drive. 

If SYS_INST booted, you can do the rest by nfs, but be careful to just put the 
nfs-server and -client onto one ethernet-segment, without any other traffic.

You can't boot NetBSD from a SCSI-tape on a hp300.

good luck,

PS: just got KDE beta 4 to run on NetBSD 1.3.1/hp300. -> Doesn't make sense on 
a 8MB box :)

PPS: anybody got a hack to rescan a hp300's SCSI-bus while NetBSD is running? 
I'd like to add and remove devices from time to time without rebooting!
Georg 'Gio' Magschok, HiLAN GmbH, T:+49-721-62518-0  priv: +49-721-612642, +49-172-7113793