Subject: 1.2.1 client NFS mounting 1.3 server (and a SIMM question)
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Erik R. Ogan <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 01/26/1998 23:26:05
First off, kudos to Jason, Scott, Dave and anyone who worked on the 1.3 
release! Things have come a long way since 1.0 (Heck, you made big strides 
between 1.2 & 1.3!)

I have 2 twin 375s that had been running 1.2.1, and I've got them 
connected on their own little private network for the upgrade to 1.3. 
I've upgraded 1 machine without incident (or, all incidents were 
self-induced) and was about to run disklabel to install SYS_INST on the 
second disk, when I got nervous, and decided to make sure that I could 
NFS mount the newly 1.3 machine to copy the miniroot.

I can mount the drive without an error, but I can't SEE anything on 
it (permission denied, including the mount point after I've mounted 
it) Mounting read-only doesn't change this odd behaviour.

So, I know NFS got a facelift in this release, and I was wondering if 
the /etc/exports file format changed (the man page is identical).

What's really strange is that the 1.3 machine can mount the 1.2.1 
partition (with a nearly identical /etc/exports) normally.

I've moved all of the old binaries in /sbin to *.1.2, so I don't think 
THAT'S the problem, and I can't find anything else that might be causing 

I'm sure this is a simple problem with a simple solution, which has made 
it's tenacity all the more frustrating.

Just for the record, the 1.3 /etc/exports (it's simple):
/local -maproot=0

My SIMM question is shorter (I promise) I have 4 SIMMs that are allegedly 
from a 345. They seem to fit my 375, but when the machine memory tests on 
boot, I get parity errors. Are these SIMMs compatable with the 375?

(The fact that I get a parity error would suggest not, but would also 
suggest that it's not a matter of clipping a resistor to announce their 

Any help would be appreciated...
