Subject: Re: 107 days!
To: Mike Ferrara <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 05/14/1997 15:07:53
On Wed, 14 May 1997 08:50:42 -0700 (PDT) 
 Mike Ferrara <> wrote:

 > Hey Guys-
 >   Just thought I'd drop a line to say my 345's been going 107 days
 > without a crash! Great job. Now for two stupid questions:

Excellent!  I'm really pleased to hear that!  And, sounds like Dave
answered your terminal question...

 > 	2) Is there a fairly safe way to sup a running machine I don't
 > have good physical access to? As I said, my NetBSD is at least 107
 > days old, and I suspect the answer to problem #1 is libc, but I'm
 > afraid to go poking around, lest I have to jump in the car and drive
 > 20 miles to get it back up and running. I'm not really sure of the
 > sup procedures to begin with ... it there a tutorial?

SUP will update your sources... you then have to build them.  The best
way to do this is to build a kernel and boot it, first.  Once you've done
that, a "make build" from the top-level /usr/src will do the rest.
I'd recommend being in front of the machine when you boot the new kernel
(so you can boot the backup in case it fails), and the rest can be pretty
much safely done remotely.

However, given the nature of upgrading to current source, it's probably
best to do that when you can sit down with the machine for a couple of
hours... for the tutorial, the supkit on is typically the
best place to look ... however, it is OLD.. I will try to update it

 > Thanks again for a really nice OS, and all of the help.

You bet, and thank you for your note!  It's great to hear!

	-- Jason R. Thorpe
	   Your ever-faithful hp300 port master.