Subject: Re: Utility chip sio's on 4xx (more stories)
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: mike smith <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 04/03/1997 00:07:25
Ok, I'm back from Easter.  Choral parties; ow!

Anyway, here I have some really basic skeletal stuff for
finding the Frodo chip and a not-working-yet-but-getting-there
driver for the UARTs.  I'm having some unhappines as soon
as I enable interrupts on the UART though, I suspect because
I'm not handling the interrupt it's generating properly.

Once it's wedged, I still get the heartbeat, console (tty)
interrupts and incoming network interrupts, but nothing
that would run below that, so I'm _fairly_ certain I'm on
the right track here.

So, how do I work out what interrupt it's generating?  I'm
reasonably sure that the vector I'm supplying (0x28) in the
vector register is right for IPL4, but I don't get any
output from the printf in a handler attached to ipl4.

Any ideas on how I should chase this?

Mike Smith  *BSD hack  Unix hardware collector
The question "why are the fundamental laws of nature mathematical"
invites the trivial response "because we define as fundamental those
laws which are mathematical".  Paul Davies, _The_Mind_of_God_