Subject: Booting an HP300 from a Linux box
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wes Brown <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 01/29/1997 16:56:54
Ok.  After many months, I finally have NetBSD booting (mostly) on my
HP9000/340.  I have SCSI on this box and HP-IB, but I was unable to do the
magic required for making disks for those media.

The solution to my problem, if anyone has been following it and trying to
recreate, is to put the machines (Linux and HP) onto their own ethernet
segment.  All I have is 2 Terminators, 2 Ts, and a 50 ohm coax cable. 

The critter boots. (well except for dying with something to do with "no
/etc/fstab" but I hope touch will fix my problems.)

Thanks to everyone for their help so far.

Wes Brown