Subject: re:some ports done...
To: None <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 01/23/1997 09:33:09
Hi :-)
> Great work...
Thanks :-)
> I extracted the tar files, set up the libraries and bingo instant olvwm!
phew... I always thought I forgot something...
> It there anywhere I can get the other sources/binaries to go under
> /user/openwin/bin, and associated man pages?
I simply took the Sources for the Linux-port of XView3.2 and fiddled around with them until they compiled... you may look at any ftp server that holds the full X11R5 distribution, XView is part of the contrib stuff...
I think you meant Sun-like tools loke the mailtool and filemgr ? No, sorry, no sources available, at least I don't know where to get them, If you find anything pleas mail me...
The original XView distribution ( the free one ) consists only of olwm, olwmslave, props, textedit, cmdtool and clock. Nothing more besides of a few demos which are not really useful.
But you will find XView applications around in the net... And with a little luck you will get them running :-)
> thanks for your help, this is much better than twm.
err, which windowmanager do you want ? I compiled FVWM2, FVWM95, Bowman, Afterstep, AmiWM and ctwm. I still have fvwm95, Amiwm and Bowman :-)