Subject: Re: unable to type character.
To: None <>
From: Mike Hibler <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 08/31/1995 00:27:02
> NetBSD/hp300 currently has keymaps for "US ASCII" and "United Kingdom".  
> If anyone out there wants to contribute new keymaps, please do.  See 
> hp300/dev/hil_keymaps.c for more details.

The various keyboard mappings are documented somewhere, I just can't remember
exactly where!  I got the UK mapping from somewhere (didn't have an actual
keyboard), I think it may be in an old Starbase manual.

Or maybe that guy in the UK sent it to me...:-)

Anyway, with an appropriate keyboard and a printf in the hil code you should
be able to derive the mapping in a simple, yet tedious fashion.