Subject: Same problem again: 400t with Domain keyboard
To: None <port-hp300@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael Joosten <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 08/08/1995 18:49:09
yesterday I tried to install NetBSD-1.0. So far quite sucessful, the only
annoying problem I had was that mounting the distribution packages by
NFS. Using a SunOS4.1 server worked well, but with a Solaris one I had
severe authorization problems, so that I couldn't even access as root the
directory I just mounted under - and, thus, was unable to umount... ah, yes,
the Solaris machine wants to see a reserved port on the client side.
There is a little nuisance in makedisk: why does it insists on being supplied
with fsize and bsize even for 'unused' partitions? I wanted to have a 'g'
partition for /usr without having 'd', 'e' and 'f', initially, and getting
there wasn't very intuitive...
Somewhat unrelated: There doesn't seem to be a built-in way to specify the
timezone in /etc/rc, I put in the common SYSV method of source'ing an
/etc/TIMEZONE file.
I was able to borrow an HP keyboard from a 715, but it will be quite
complicated to get an own one. I've heard there used to be an trade-in
program, where one could exchange the Domain keyboard+mouse with a HP set. Is
that still alive?
On the other hand, I would be interested in hacking kernel (and, of course,
X server) support for the Domain keyboard. On a DN3000 board, I was able to
find out that the keyboard is attached to the Dual UART 2681. But it seems
that on the 400t board, the situation is quite different. No 2681 to see,
there is only a single 16550 for the DCA RS232 interface. Perhaps HP had
radically changed the keyboard interface from the original Apollo design...
Futhermore, the Extended Test reveals that the 'Utility Chip at 41' bears 4
SIOs, so it might be possible that the 2 2681 of a DN3500/4500 are integrated
in that ASIC.
Is it possible to get any information about this? Who knows about the data
format of the keyboard/mouse, besides being at 1200,e,8,1 ?
Cheers, Michael
| Michael Joosten | Tel. : (+49) (+) 5251-60-6127 |
| CADLAB | Fax : (+49) (+) 5251-60-6065 |
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| CADLAB is a cooperation between Uni-GH Paderborn & SNI AG |