Subject: Re: procedure for bootstrapping hp300 machines
To: Mike Hibler <>
From: Herb Peyerl <>
List: port-hp300
Date: 06/16/1994 07:47:23
: What is the current procedure for bootstrapping on a 300?  I gather that
: you try to find someone with the same type of disk and have them make an
: image for you?  Just wondering if there has been any discussion on how to
: provide a fairly minimal, generic image that people can boot on any disk.

There currently isn't a procedure as in the past I've been coddling
people along by providing a diskimage of my currently-running machine.

That was highly non-optimal and I haven't done a disk image recently.

At Usenix in Boston; we had some discussion about this and it turns 
out that I'm going to play with the ctboot stuff a bit to see how well
that works... 

I think I'm going to try and make a fairly generic bootimage and people
are just going to have to dd it onto their disk.  This is kind of a
wacky idea but I'd like to have something better that would allow people
to have the ability to re-label and re-newfs their disk... I guess if I
made a small enough rootimage (on the order of 20mb) then everyone could
partition their disks around it... (I guess that was kind of obvious).

I wish I had an HPIB disk. (I thought I'd never hear myself say that).

Chris Hopps mentioned something at Usenix that I had never actually
thought of before.. I should try to remember to zero my disk before I
build the filesystem for the rootimage so that it'll compress nicely
for distribution...

Also; someone sent me some prelim source to some netboot stuff for the
hp300's that I hope to have time to play with...                           |  NovAtel Commnications Ltd.                               | <nothing I say matters anyway>
 "A sucking chest wound is nature's way of telling you to slow down."
