Subject: boot netbsd on malta faild
To: None <>
From: Thilo Jeremias <>
List: port-evbmips
Date: 08/31/2006 20:14:05
I tried to upload the kernel from the iso image ( netbsd.srec )
( using linux objcopy -O binary -I srec , to convert to binary and dump
onto unused swap partition)
I then used the yamon to load the image -> 8010000.
but a go then just showed some exceptions (user trap i think)
Is there anywhere a documentation how to boot the kernel on that board?
( sorry I don't know if that is a 4k or 5k mips , does that matter for
the first boot? )
Any hints are apreciated!
booting linux that way worked fine.
Does the NetBSD kernel need any other bootstrapper first ?
Would the ISO image have a cd-boot loader ?
-- I could not access the cd from within yamon, so thats why I used linux.
cheers thilo