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Re: Alternate network and local storage for the Dreamcast

David Brownlee <abs <at> absd.org> writes:

> Just found a very interesting Russian site discussing Dreamshell - a
> homebrew OS for the Dreamcast.
> They have some very nice hardware pages, including schematics for:
> - serial to SD adaptor:
> http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dc-swat.ru%2Fblog%2Fhardware%2F14.html
> easily available pre-built (google "dreamcast dreamshell sd") online
> - serial to Ethernet adaptor
> http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dc-swat.ru%2Fblog%2Fhardware%2F15.html
> Obviously the SD serial adaptor is going to be slower than directly
> attached hardware, but people are reporting 650KBytes/sec write speed
> (out of a theoretical 1.5Mbytes/sec, which isn't bad for a $20 shipped
> to your door adaptor :)

I love how simple SD adapter schematics is (well it's always simple
in case of SD :)
What wonders me is whether NetBSD has support for this device?
Or anyone plans to add it soon? Would be great to have r/w rootfs
on a card.
The next thing of interest will be ethernet. Well, as serial port will
be busy with SD, what will be a best way to attach ethernet? BBA
adapters aren't the option, as they cost too much.


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