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Re: dhcp/tftp boot cd?

acruhl%gmail.com@localhost wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 9:26 AM, Izumi Tsutsui 
> <tsutsui%ceres.dti.ne.jp@localhost> wrote:
> > No automated way yet (though it might be possible to write such command),
> > but typing three commands is still easier than burning coasters.
> Sorry, I missed this "No automated way".
> It's not clear to me why it doesn't work based on my knowledge of
> bootstrapping. Perhaps it's required to use the "reboot" command for
> kloader to work?

No, reboot(8) command passes args as bootstr to the reboot(2) system call,
and NetBSD/dreamcast kernel treats the bootstr strings as a kernel path.
(see src/sys/arch/dreamcast/dreamcast/machdep.c:cpu_reboot())

> Seems like it could be scripted somehow.

Yes, you can hardcord server's IP and nfs root path.

If you already have working NFS root environment and
a bootable CD which mounts prepared NFS root by default,
you can just put necessary commands into the .profile in nfsroot.
But generally it isn't so easy to setup diskless NFS server
and it's a bit hard to debug it without working ramdisk root
client environment.

You can also put a hardcorded script into mdroot ramdisk,
but of cource it's recorded on the CD-R so you have to
recreate it if your environment is changed.

Someone can implement a command which takes server's IP
and NFS root path via DHCP protocol and show a prompt
to abort default bootstrap as other bootloader does,
but I'm not so familiar with such UI programming ;-)
Izumi Tsutsui

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