Subject: Re: Is NetBSD/dreamcast suitable for watching videos/playing music?
To: Mikhail Teterin <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 10/17/2006 11:50:37
Mikhail Teterin <> writes:

> Hello!
> I have an Dreamcast, which connects nicely to our TV (widescreen).
> I wonder, if the NetBSD/dreamcast port is strong enough for me to play audio 
> and audio on TV -- the media files reside on the server (a FreeBSD machine -- 
> to be used as the boot and swap server as well), which can not be connected 
> to the TV as nicely, as the Dreamcast can...
> Can the port build/use video-playing software like mplayer? Are there other 
> Unixes (OpenBSD or Linux), that can do this? Thanks!

mplayer exists in pkgsrc, so it should build fine.  Note however that
the CPU in the Dreamcast is just a 200MHz SH4, so you can't expect to
play anything more complicated than maybe MPEG1 at video CD
resolutions.  Using a different UNIX will of course not make the
hardware any faster.

MP3 audio should be no problem.

  // Marcus