Subject: Re: Kernel panic on 2.0.2...
To: Andy Ruhl <>
From: Josh Tolbert <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 06/07/2005 19:23:33
On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 05:03:02PM -0700, Andy Ruhl wrote:
> Not really. I'm definitely no kernel hacker, but best I can tell is
> that all this is is a network error that caused a panic, probably in
> swap somewhere (wild, wild guess because I'm not as smart as I think I
> am). I'm not sure if this is supposed to happen or not, but it could
> very well be that the error would be fatal whether you got a panic or
> not so the panic may be moot. Have you seen this more than once?
> Remember, our old rule of thumb was to run the adapter at 10baseT
> because 10baseT is fast enough to saturate the bus it lives on anyway
> (if I'm remembering right).
> Andy

Hey Andy,

Yeah...I was afraid of that. I rebooted the DC after writing the trace e-mail
and set rtk0 to run at 10baseT...Seems to be fine so far. I've only seen this
crash once.

I'll just let it go at 10baseT for a while, compile some more stuff, etc.

Josh Tolbert  ||

If your sysadmin's not being fascist, you're paying him too much.
   --Sam Greenfield