Subject: Re: Stability of 2.0_RCx?
To: None <>
From: Christian Groessler <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 12/07/2004 21:52:46

> From: Harold Gutch [] 
> I'm seeing the same, however not on 2.0 but on current.  To be
> honest, I've been experiencing this since I've first started
> running NetBSD on my Dreamcast.  I never really cared all too
> much about it, but it actually is annoying if you can't even
> compile larger packages.

I also see this since always. But I didn't use NetBSD on the Dreamcast
for some time and I hoped it was fixed by now :-/

Are these crashes DC specific or do they also appear on other SH
ports? Does anyone know?

> Oh, and while we're on the subject of debugging NetBSD - can
> anybody tell me what I have to do to get a serial console on my
> Dreamcast?  Does it require support of some kind from dcload-ip,
> or is all that's required some setting up of NetBSD, e.g. some
> kind of option in the kernel configfile?  Configuring the other
> side of the serial link (the "client") shouldn't be a problem,
> it's just the Dreamcast that I've got problems with.

That's the config I use for serial console:

--- DREAMS      2003-01-08 20:07:53.000000000 +0100
+++ DREAMS.serial       2003-11-19 00:26:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -96,16 +97,16 @@
 shb*           at mainbus?
 # Serial Devices
-#options               SCIFCONSOLE
+options                SCIFCONSOLE
 options        SCIFCN_SPEED=57600
 scif0          at shb?
 pvr0           at shb?
-wsdisplay*     at pvr? console ?
+wsdisplay*     at pvr? #console ?
 maple0         at shb?
 mkbd*          at maple? port ? subunit ?
-wskbd*         at mkbd? console ?
+wskbd*         at mkbd? #console ?
 gdrom0         at shb?

You can use the LAN adapter version of dcload-ip to boot it.
