Subject: Re: dreamcast booting problems
To: Nik Reiman <>
From: Andy R <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 01/24/2003 13:13:23
--- Nik Reiman <> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to boot up a dreamcast with an NFS root
> being served on
> linux.  The dreamcast appears to mount the root and
> swap partitions
> fine, but it fails shortly thereafter in the boot
> process.
> Specifically:
> Configuring network interfaces: rtk0.
> eval: route: permission denied
> Adding interface aliases:
> /etc/rc: date: permission denied
> After that, it halts.  I don't think that anything
> is messed up as far
> as the NFS server goes...or am I missing something
> here?  Here's some
> info about what's going on on the NFS server
> (hostname casus):
> [casus][root][~]# exportfs -v
> /dcswap        
> /dc            
> [casus][root][~]# ls -l /dc/sbin/route /dc/bin/date 
> -r-xr-xr-x    1 root     wheel      156504 Aug 20
> 21:48 /dc/bin/date*
> -r-xr-xr-x    1 root     wheel      248540 Aug 20
> 21:48 /dc/sbin/route*
> If anyone has seen this type of problem in the past,
> I'd be really
> interested to hear how you got around it.  In the
> meantime, I can
> still play Quake3 online with the dreamcast. ;)

Off hand I haven't heard of this and I don't know
exactly what it is... 

Is it possible you didn't use the p option when
untarring and some directory inst writeable? 

I don't know, I'm just guessing...


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