Subject: Re: Updated FAQ -- Suggestions Please
To: Alex Kirk <>
From: M. R. Brown <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 09/27/2002 12:29:07
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* Alex Kirk <> on Fri, Sep 27, 2002:

> >Also, the cutoff date is October 2000, not September.  Any DC showing a
> >date *after* October 2000 won't boot CDRs.
> Where are you coming up with that date? I've always seen September as the=
> cutoff, both on the old official docs and in mailing list posts. I'm not=
> saying you're necessarily wrong -- I'd just like to see what I've missed.=

I own 3 Dreamcasts.  One is August 2000 - works.  The second is October
2000 - works.  The third is December 2000 - doesn't work.

What official docs are you referring to?

M. R.

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