Subject: Re: Dreamcast Broadband Adapters
To: Gregg C Levine <>
From: M. R. Brown <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 08/26/2002 03:28:19
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* Gregg C Levine <> on Mon, Aug 26, 2002:

> Hello again from Gregg C Levine
> Agreed Josh. This box is made by Dell, its chipset is by Intel. Its mouse is
> from those crazy people in Washington State, as is the OS. I would think
> that a website that sells a heck of a lot of games related merchandise would
> take the time to be as careful as we are in stating the pedigree of our
> technology. However, M. R. Brown claims that the company that made the BBA,
> and the game company are part of the same conglomerate. I am asking for
> clarification on that.

M. R.

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