Subject: Re: Working Dreamcast images.
To: Christopher John Thomas <>
From: SirEJ <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 01/26/2002 19:27:50
I just gotta throw this question out, just for kicks and giggles... but I
haven't been watching this list for awhile now. I left Sega last April and
returned last August, and only for a month now did my email get restored.
But my question is this:

What is the ultimate purpose for the Dreamcast NetBSD project? Is there an
actual functional purpose to it, or is this just a hobby?

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy reading this, and would eventually like to see
it in action. But is there really any purpose to it? I'm sure it won't
really replace my BSD box at home :)

Eric Nelson

Leader, UN Council
Customer Service Council
Support hours - Tues through Sat, 2pm - 11pm PST.
----- Original Message -----
From: Jack Twilley <>
To: Christopher John Thomas <>
Cc: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2002 7:18 PM
Subject: Re: Working Dreamcast images.

> If someone were to create functional images for the Dreamcast, I
> expect the proper place for them would be at the canonical site:
> That's what the NetBSD project is partially for, right?
> If that's true, then the hosting question is solved.
> There's still the problem that the folks who have created working
> images might not have either the privileges or the bandwidth to easily
> get them to that site, but I suspect that could be worked out pretty
> well.
> In fact, it'd be easier for those who have put together a working
> snapshot to document their practice, complete with example command
> lines as appropriate.  That'd be easy enough to mail to the list,
> where folks with more bandwidth than experience could generate working
> images and get them to the site.
> Has anyone who has created a working snapshot documented the process
> and posted it recently?
> Jack.
> --
> Jack Twilley
> jmt at twilley dot org
> http colon slash slash www dot twilley dot org slash tilde jmt slash