Subject: Re: whats going on?
To: Jack Twilley <>
From: None <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 01/07/2002 01:29:44
>>>>> "Jack" == Jack Twilley <> writes:

    Jack> If anyone has a known working image for DiskJuggler or Nero,
    Jack> I'd really appreciate it.  I gave up on trying to make it
    Jack> work after making a dozen coasters.  Once I get that far,
    Jack> then I can move forward.

Actually the image ( mentioned
in the HOWTO ( worked
just fine for me, and I burned it just this past week. Of course, I
dont have a keyboard, so its kinda pointless.

    Jack> Oh, another thing.  What can I do with the serial port, and
    Jack> where can I get cables for that?

You can buy 'em or make 'em.

    Matt> -Matt Harrington

    Jack> Jack.  (whee!) 

nega (and i ain't got drugs yet (