Subject: Help, console not scrolling
To: None <>
From: Andy R <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 09/01/2001 22:17:24
Hello all, I'm mighty thankful for all the help that
I've had from reading posts here so far.

I am new to NetBSD/dreamcast, but not NetBSD/i386.
I've used it for a while now and I'm hoping I'm just
doing something slightly wrong.

I'm following the directions from this page:

I have made the kernel CD and it seems to work fine. I
followed the directions for making the root filesystem
and I think I have done it right, but I can't be sure
because the console doesn't scroll upward to allow me
to see what's happening.

I can type in gdrom0 when asked for the boot device,
and I can hit enter for passing by the dump device.
Then I change to the root CD, type cd9660 and hit
enter, and that's it, I can't see anything else that
is happening, the console doesn't scroll. The gdrom
drive does seem to be reading something, but that's
all I know. I tried using my knowledge of single user
mode to type in commands without seeing them but
nothing works...

Any help will be greatly appreciated. I'm willing to
rewrite the page I was using to make it even more
useful to us non code literate types like me if I can
get advice that will help me move on... :)

Long live NetBSD!
(I ran a semi-production web server on a 486DX/33
using NetBSD up until a few months ago, big fun! No
kidding, it actually was! :)


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