Subject: RE: LinuxDC
To: Dreamcast Dev NetBSD List <>
From: RC5Stint <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 07/11/2001 14:48:59
> Well, to be honest, (I think I've said this before) I'm really looking to
> interface with the core components, not just run X Windows on a TV.
> There's a lot more potential for a Dreamcast than X Windows.

That is true, I agree.  There is a lot of potential.  I guess my point was
that many people have been working towards that potential as best they can,
with ingenuity and open source tools.  I was merely pointing you to their

While current tools fall far from the ideal (even the Katana kit is not
ideal) they are here, now, and many people have gotten good results from
them.  We need dreamers and leaders to bring out the rest of that potential

> I'd like to tap into the 3D capabilities natively.  Which is why I said we
> might need the official DC dev package so we can get the tools easily and
> move on, rather than guessing on what this or that does and slowly feeling
> our way through the Dreamcast in the dark.

Nate, the Katana kit is not a panacea.  If all this potential we all dream
of was possible with the Katana kit, Sega would have provided it right off
the box. ;-)

The Katana kit costs money to license.  And Sega only licenses it to
established game developers.  And with now that Sega is a third-party
publisher, it has little incentive to allow new developers in.  They would
have to bring one hell of a game design and bring Sega a ton of royalties,
for Sega to be persuaded to let them in this late in the game.

So the tools I pointed out to you are all we got, bud.

This stumbling in the dark is what open source console development is all
about.  I sincerely hope you see this challenge as an open door.  You seem
very enthusiastic, and I don't doubt you have great ideas.  I would prefer
if you didn't get so turned off by the stumbling that you walked away.
