Subject: Re: PS/2 Keyboard Support "WHY"
To: None <,>
From: O'Shea. Shawn <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 06/30/2001 00:35:04
On 29 Jun 2001 wrote:

> OK, first I think this decussion is going on for no reason.  I can go
> to my local Camelot (Music store) and get a DC Keyboard for ONLY 5-10
> dollars.  So what is all the talk about getting a 15 dollar adapter. I
> think that if a "Music" store is selling them, Why not Wal-Mart or Best
> Buy.  I'm checking tommorw. (To settle this once and for all)

To answer "why?", I know at least one person that has a 4port KVM switch,
and instead of having another keyboard on his desk, just plugs his DC into
the KVM (requiring a maple -> PS/2 keyboard adapter).

There are several adapters around, but the easiest to get is the one by
Mad Catz (supports both PS/2 and AT keyboards). It usually runs 15$ and
can be had at many video game stores (EB, Gamestop....).

Here it is in eb online:


> IN>> There is. People have made them. Just search the web (sorry, lost my
> IN>> bookmarks).
> IN>
> IN>Hmmm, well I found some that I can buy for $15 which hook up to the
> IN>controller interface...but still no cigar.
> IN>
> IN>--
> IN>-Phil
> IN>
> IN>
> IN>
> IN>
> IN>

# ifconfig "Shawn O'Shea" netmask up
# route add -net smtp
# route add -net http