Subject: Re: New demand for DC's WAS:(RE: netbsd vs. linux on d
To: None <>
From: Greg Gonnerman <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 04/17/2001 20:42:14
> BUT has anyone talked to the Sega people about having them, or
> anyone for that fact, put a NetBSD bootstrapper simlar to the
> IP-Loader or something that would boot NetBSD on to a GDROM...

Unless Majesco picks up DC production at some point in the
future, this is largely academic. The chances of Sega resuming
production are less than nill.

In any case, anything that would allow the console to boot NetBSD
could also be used as a boot disc for pirated games. I doubt
Sega would ever consider making such a GDROM; they have nothing
to gain from it and much to lose.

Greg G.

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