Subject: Re: brandnew MEGA-SITEZ Toplist - Warez, Free-XXX, Drugs
To: None <>
From: William Anderson <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 04/09/2001 03:58:02
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2001 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: brandnew MEGA-SITEZ Toplist - Warez, Free-XXX, Drugs

> > perhaps just having it accept from addresses that are subscribed to AT
> > LEAST one of the lists (not necessarily the one that is being written
> > to) - this would prevent outside spam, while allowing crossposting. of
> > course, spammers could get smart and subscribe to a list..
> Unfortunately, this doesn't work.
> Think about the following cross-postings:
> e.g.
> XFree86 people try to cross-post XFree86 list + NetBSD list.

XFree86 people should then also be subscribed to the NetBSD list that
interests them.

> FreeBSD people try to cross-post FreeBSD list + NetBSD list.

FreeBSD people should then also be subscribed to the NetBSD list that
interests them.

> Linux people try to cross-post Linux list + NetBSD list.

Linux people should then also be subscribed to the NetBSD list that
interests them.

If I want to post to a list, I expect to have to subscribe to it - it's no
big deal.  if the list becomes rapidly off-topic to your needs, unsubscribe.
It's not rocket science!  Closing the list except to those subscribed
reduces the possibility of spam, and makes people think longer and harder
about possibly unnecessary cross-posting between lists.

> This is why we use content based filter against SPAMs.

which don't seem to work to well ;>

  ___  ___ __ _________  William Anderson -
 / _ \/ -_) // / __/ _ \|     "All your base are belong to us. You are on
/_//_/\__/\_,_/_/  \___/|     the way to destruction." -- CATS, Zero Wing