Subject: RE: Modem Support [was ]
To: Marcus Comstedt <>
From: Jonathan Vaughn <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 03/27/2001 11:34:31
At 04:30 PM 3/27/01 +0200, Marcus Comstedt wrote:
>>>>>> "David" == David Brownlee <> writes:
>  David> 	Is the copyrighted code on a sega CD? If so would it be possible
>  David> 	to have NetBSD read it from there? Alternatively... if sega were
>  David> 	willing to release the restrictions on the compiled microcode it
>  David> 	could be distributed with NetBSD.
>The restriction is not imposed by SEGAs, but by Connexant (previously
>Rockwell).  Also, the GDROM filesystem is by design unable to mount
>the high density part of a GD (this is to keep the w@rez d00dz away),
>and even if it wasn't, the scheme you suggest would be awkward at
>  // Marcus

I don't think it needs microcode, only, we just need to know what the
that control it are. After all, it IS a hardware modem. And there are docs
available for the hardware interface, but not for the register-level
so unfortunately, we'd have to blindly read/write the ports till we figured it
out (or alterternatively, reverse engineer the sega modem access code, which 
would be a pain in the @#^*).

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