Subject: Re: segfaults
To: None <>
From: Marcus Comstedt <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/26/2001 19:29:31
>>>>> "SAITOH" == SAITOH Masanobu <> writes:

  >> The SH3/SH4 low-level virtual memory module needs a lot of help -- I've
  >> been working on a rewrite of it, but haven't had a chance to finish it
  >> yet (I've had other stuff to get done first).

  SAITOH> Perhaps, that problem is not concerned with the vm system because
  SAITOH> my machine is very stable.

  SAITOH> (Note that NetBSD/sh3 doesn't support swapping yet, so you shoud not
  SAITOH> enable swaping)

On my system, binaries randomly fail, even with swap disabled, so I
suspect that there is indeed some vm related problem.

  // Marcus