Subject: What is DiscJuggler and where can I get one?
To: None <>
From: Rob Healey <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/16/2001 18:37:50
(puts on his dunce cap)

	What is DiscJuggler and where to I get it?
	Is it some sort of repulisive OS based application for burning CD's or
	is it OpenSource?

	Since I don't have an evil empire based system, is cdrecord the only
	other option?

	I do have access to a Mac and Toaster 4.x, anyone know if that combo
	can burn a DC bootable CD-R disk?

	Anybody using a SCSI Yahmaha 2100? 16x10x40 CD-RW. Seems to work
	well enough on the Mac and with cdrecord for basic tunes/data burning.
