Subject: Re: What bus is on the hand controllers? G2?
To: None <>
From: Gary <>
List: port-dreamcast
Date: 02/03/2001 12:33:44
On Sat, 3 Feb 2001, Rob Healey wrote:

> 	Finally, anybody know of an effort to get the arch-rival PS2 running
> 	NetBSD? It has USB and firewire ports but I hear the hardware guts
> 	are less friendly than the Dreamcast to OS's.

I think this subject has come up on port-mips a couple of times. I think
the best suggestion so far was Jason Thorpe's idea to harrass Sony with
the GPL since they've got Linux dual-booting on their SDKs (the $17K
DTL-T10000) in workstation mode. Since they're selling these units they
should theoretically be packing in the Linux source. If we got some raving
nut-bunny like ESR going after their throats, they might be inclined to
kick down some source.
