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Re: stability of Cobalt Qube 2

On Mon, Apr 23, 2012 at 12:39 AM,  <kenneth.westelinck%telenet.be@localhost> 
> Dear list,
> I am a proud owner of a Cobalt Qube 2 
> (http://kennywest.blogspot.com/2010/02/story-of-cobalt-qube.html) running 
> Debian Squeeze. I want to use this as a NAS device for backing up various 
> Linux machines on the network (I want to do this using mondo over NFS). 
> Apparently this proves more difficult than I thought (see also: 
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-mips/2012/03/msg00015.html). Seems the Qube 2 
> dies under heavy network load. So whenever mondo tries to upload the restore 
> images to the NFS server, it starts to hang. Also tried using a newer network 
> card (since there is a free PCI slot anyway), still the same issue.
> So, I was wondering, what if I tried NetBSD, would this be more stable? Are 
> there people on this list using a Qube 2 reliably?

My experience with the Qube2 is that it's very stable with NetBSD, but
not fast for I/O. There was some issue with the PCI bus which impacted
performance. If you search this list far enough back, you might find
the details.

I used mine for small jobs like DHCP server, internet
gateway/firewall, and some other menial stuff until I got a Seagate
Dockstar, which I use now. The Dockstar has it's issues with NetBSD as


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