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Re: Qube 2 and Raq 2s for sale

*Chuckle* I understand. I'll not bid then.

Btw.. now that you've admitted your an addict (Hi Kieran etc..) and are trying to pokemon them. Have you spotted any badge engineered Gateway Microservers? They're black cased qubes. Kinda hot.
I need to get mine working again. I miss it.


On Tue, 3 Jan 2012, Kieran Jacobsen wrote:

Brisbane. I bought one Qube, now I want another... It's some sort of addiction.

-------- Original message --------
Subject: Re: Qube 2 and Raq 2s for sale
From: "..I'd rather be coding ASM!" <uridium%deviate.fi@localhost>
To: Kieran Jacobsen <kieran%kjacobsen.net@localhost>
CC: "david%dalbert.net@localhost" 

Was "just" thinking the same thing. Heh. Where abouts are you? I'm in


On Tue, 3 Jan 2012, Kieran Jacobsen wrote:

How much to shop to sunny Australia? I would love a second qube2

-------- Original message --------
Subject: Re: Qube 2 and Raq 2s for sale
From: David Albert <david_albert%comcast.net@localhost>
To: "..I'd rather be coding ASM!" <uridium%deviate.fi@localhost>
CC: "david%dalbert.net@localhost" 

Thanks Al, I didn't know if it was allowed.

Here's the qube 2: new quiet fan, new 5A power supply, nice condition

I'll put the Raq2s on eBay soon and will post here as well.


On 1/2/2012 4:39 PM, ..I'd rather be coding ASM! wrote:
Should've put the URL's up. :)


On Mon, 2 Jan 2012, David Albert wrote:

I am selling my Cobalt Qube 2 and Raq 2 equipment on eBay; it is all
working, running NetBSD, and looking for a new home.  I also have
memory and hardware available.

 Al Boyanich
 adb -w -P "world> " -k /dev/meta/galaxy/ksyms /dev/god/brain

 Al Boyanich
 adb -w -P "world> " -k /dev/meta/galaxy/ksyms /dev/god/brain

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