Subject: Re: System load?
To: Glyn Astill <>
From: Andy Ruhl <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 12/09/2006 10:16:20
On 12/9/06, Glyn Astill <> wrote:
> I'm using version 3.99.17 from the net boot cd, do I still have to do
> this?
> If so a little extra instruction would be helpfull as the closest
> thing I have done to this is recompiling a slackware kernel with make
> bzimage.

It's not as simple as that, and not as simple as other machines either

Hmm. First you need the source for that level. Do you happen to have
it? If not, does someone know where to get it?

The other thing you can do is just grab source from a higher level
kernel and build from it since backwards compatibility won't be a

Very basically, get the syssrc.tgz package, and put it in / and untar
it with tar xvzpf.

cd /usr/src/sys/arch/cobalt/conf

Then edit this file. It may already have the option in there that you need.

To build:
cd ../compile/NEWKERNEL
make depends && make
(it will take a while)

You'll end up with a netbsd kernel file which needs to be put in /.
Copy the old one and put this one in there.

BUT, the problem is, I'm not sure how your machine is set up to boot.
In the old days we booted kernels directly out of the linux partition.
Now it's set to load the bootloader out of the linux partition, whch
then is smart enough to boot /netbsd. Probably this is what you have,
but I'm not sure.

I know for a fact that my 3.1 box has that option set as Izumi said.
If the 3.1 kernel is higher than the one you have, you can simply go
and download it and put it in place too.
