Subject: Resuming trying to get 2.0 working on a Raq 2
To: None <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 01/26/2005 16:21:07
I've been away and busy for the last couple of weeks, and now I'm ready to
continue trying to get NetBSD 2.0 running on a Raq 2.
The way things were left, the 2.0 kernel was too large to be loaded by the
Raq's default loader. I tried the GNU/Linux "CoLo" bootloader, but the
NetBSD kernel didn't like being loaded by that (it hangs after waiting for
the SCSI bus).
Andy Ruhl said that there was a loader on, perhaps, the 1.6.1 ISO. I can't
find it, and if it were around, I'm curious as to why it's not part of the
standard distribution.
Does ANYONE know if / where this loader can be found?