Subject: fsck errormessage "out of SWAP"
To: None <>
From: Thomas Feddersen <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 09/18/2004 02:51:42
I have set up a Qube2 with RAM =3D 24 MB and HDD =3D 300 GB and used =
restore-CD to install NetBSD 1.6.1. Runs fine (SAMBA 2.2.10 @ 15 Mbit/s
writing to disk 25Mbit/s serving to network), but the system start hangs =
fsck. I can 'continue' and leave the FS unchecked, but I like to resolve =
problem. fsck from the command line leads to the same result.
Can anybody please help?
Cheers, Thomas
---console log-----------------
boot device: wd0
root on wd0a dumps on wd0b
root file system type: ffs
swapctl: adding /dev/wd0b as swap device at priority 0
Starting file system checks:
UVM: pid 21 (fsck_ffs), uid 0 killed: out of swap
fsck: /dev/rwd0a: Killed
Unknown error; help!
Aug 24 13:18:11 init: /bin/sh on /etc/rc terminated abnormally, going to
user mode
# fdisk
Disk: /dev/rwd0d
NetBSD disklabel disk geometry:
cylinders: 16383 heads: 16 sectors/track: 63 (1008 sectors/cylinder)
BIOS disk geometry:
cylinders: 16383 heads: 16 sectors/track: 63 (1008 sectors/cylinder)
Partition table:
0: sysid 131 (Linux native)
start 1, size 61488 (30 MB), flag 0x0
beg: cylinder 0, head 0, sector 2
end: cylinder 61, head 0, sector 1
1: sysid 130 (Linux swap or Prime or Solaris)
start 61488, size 98784 (48 MB), flag 0x0
beg: cylinder 61, head 0, sector 1
end: cylinder 158, head 15, sector 63
2: sysid 169 (NetBSD)
start 160272, size 585780048 (286025 MB), flag 0x0
beg: cylinder 159, head 0, sector 1
end: cylinder 681, head 15, sector 63
# disklabel wd0
# /dev/rwd0d:
type: ESDI
disk: Maxtor 5A300J0
label: fictitious
bytes/sector: 512
sectors/track: 63
tracks/cylinder: 16
sectors/cylinder: 1008
cylinders: 16383
total sectors: 585940320
rpm: 3600
interleave: 1
trackskew: 0
cylinderskew: 0
headswitch: 0 # microseconds
track-to-track seek: 0 # microseconds
drivedata: 0
8 partitions:
# size offset fstype [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
a: 580560624 5379696 4.2BSD 2048 16384 328 # (Cyl. 5337 -
b: 98784 61488 swap # (Cyl. 61 - =
c: 585780048 160272 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 159 -
d: 585940320 0 unused 0 0 # (Cyl. 0 -
e: 61487 1 Linux Ext2 0 0 # (Cyl. 0*- =
f: 4195296 160272 4.2BSD 2048 16384 330 # (Cyl. 159 - =
g: 1024128 4355568 4.2BSD 1024 8192 86 # (Cyl. 4321 - =
---/console log------------------------------------------------------