Subject: Re: Problems
To: Claudio Leiva <>
From: Christopher Schultz <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 07/15/2004 08:01:58
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> Hi, and thanks to answer my mail, well after I send you the email I
> reinstall again the software, this time I just hooked up the Qube to my
> network (not via crossover) and now it gives me this message in the lcd
> screen "lease160.mfg.cob []".

Right. This is the IP address that is used by default by the installer. 
You are likely to have to change that.

If you push some of the big, grey buttons on the back of the Qube, 
you'll get a menu of options. One of those is for setting up your 
network, etc. You can configure the Qube for a static IP address or to 
use DHCP. Choose the appropriate one for your network and configure the 
rest of the settings.

I'm not sure, but its possible that the Qube will require a reboot at 
that point.

> I try to make a ping from this
> computer to that ip ( with no answer.

That's probably because the computer you are using to ping the Qube is 
not configured to be on the same IP network. The looks like a 
VPN space, and "normal" computers are not likely to be configured in 
this IP space.

> what do you mean with a
> "another computer connected to it via the console/serial port?", thanks
> again.

Oh, there's serial port on the back of the Qube. If you have a serial 
cable and a null-modem adapter, you can connect to the Qube's console 
using a terminal program like minicom (UNIX) or Hyperterminal (win32).

The serial settings you need are:
115200 bps
8 bits
1 stop bit
N parity

If you hook it up and nothing happens, try rebooting the Qube and, as 
its booting, hold a pencil in the hole just above the serial port -- 
that toggles the console.

If you'd like more information, check out a page that I wrote about my 
dealings with my Qube:

It has all the information about connecting using a serial cable, etc.


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