Subject: Re: Other qubes, raqs
To: None <>
From: Christopher Schultz <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 06/24/2004 10:12:03
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>>I'm not sure where you are looking for pricing, but searching ebay
>>completed items from all June auctions, Qube 2's seem to be going for
>>$90-150, and Qube 3's for $250-400+.  There are a couple lowball
>>auctions for each of these models, but if you look at the auction
>>details, they didn't meet reserve so don't really count as sold for the
>>price listed.
> When you consider that the i386 based ones are faster, they normally
> come with more memory, and they have built in scsi, that price
> difference isn't too huge. But 64 bit risc is pretty cool. I can't see
> spending much more than $150, but I just might. We'll see...

Don't forget that Qube 2 memory is super expensive and hard to find. I'm 
pretty sure that the i386-based Qube 3 takes standard PC100 or PC133 
RAM, which you probably have lying around in a box somewhere.

Wow! I never realized that the Qube 2 had a 64-bit RISC processor... I 
thought it was 32-bit.

I've had a Qube 2 for a while to play with and haven't yet done anything 
truly cool with it. It seems powerful enough to act as a web server and 
file server (which is what it was created for) with no problem. 
Compiling a kernel? Eh... maybe cross-compile that guy on another system 
you've got in the office.

I've also heard some people having issues with using both ethernet ports 
at the same time. I don't do this, so I can't comment. I'd love to hear 
more information on this, though.


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