Subject: Re: has the generic kernel already support for netatalk
To: John Allan <>
From: Matthew Luckie <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 10/10/2003 13:58:11
> but it has been some time since i did this.  check that the tar is
> relative to usr/src by using tar tyf <path-to>/syssrc.tgz | head

i meant

tar tzf <path-to>/syscrc.tgz | head

sorry about that

you want to make sure that "options NETATALK" is in your kernel config
file and then rebuild the kernel for apple talk support.

i'm sure there is documentation for building kernels, but the procedure
basically is

cd /usr/src/sys/arch/cobalt/conf
cd ../compile/<YOUR CONFIG NAME>
make depend
make install
gzip netbsd
cp netbsd.gz /altroot/boot/vmlinux.gz

(or wherever the vmlinux.gz the qube boots from is held)