Subject: Re: missing: ./var/db/kvm.db
To: Bryan Vyhmeister <>
From: Simon Burge <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 09/14/2003 16:33:11
On Sat, Sep 13, 2003 at 11:23:11PM -0700, Bryan Vyhmeister wrote:

> I am getting the following error in one of the nightly email notifications:
> Checking special files and directories.
> missing: ./var/db/kvm.db
> How do I correct this? I understand that this is a kernel database of some sort
> but I still do not know how to create it. This is on a Cobalt RaQ 2 running
> NetBSD/cobalt 1.6.1_STABLE from around 09/06/2003. Thank you for your help.

This gets created at boot time by /etc/rc.d/sysdb (it runs the
kvm_mkdb program).  Do you have a kernel in /netbsd for kvm_mkdb
to read?  I don't know exactly how a cobalt boots...

Simon Burge                                   <>
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