Subject: Re: CVS updates for cobalt
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-cobalt
Date: 09/02/2001 10:29:33
> Unfortunately when I go to compile the kernel:
> #cd /usr/src/sys/cobalt/conf
> #config QUBE2
> # config: cannot read ../../../../arch/cobalt/conf/Makefile.cobalt: No
> such file or directory
> *** Stop.
> Sure enough it appears that cvs has deleted my original Makefile.cobalt.
> This leads me to believe that there is a cobalt specific cvs server?
> Any help appreciated.
Please make sure to have most recent /usr/sbin/config command to
compile -current kernel. All of NetBSD source codes are maintained in
a single server.
Tohru Nishimura